Social Studies
Social Studies, 05.11.2020 07:20, glane4907

Is presidio a military fort built by the English?

Answers: 2

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"six months ago, several of molly's friends joined the trimtime fitness center. each of them participated in trimtime's weight-reduction and fitness regimen. all reported substantial weight reduction, and all are visibly slimmer. molly is convinced. she joins trimtime and enrolls in the program, hoping and expecting to see the same results. she is especially delighted to learn that trimtime had adjusted its program to make it even more effective in a shorter period of time." what is the feature in question/attribute of interest in this argument?
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What unintended effect of the eighteenth amendment led to its repeal? a. a drop in stock prices b. an increase in alcohol consumption c. a rising disregard for the law d. a drop in farm prices
Answers: 1
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Is presidio a military fort built by the English?...

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