Mathematics, 12.02.2021 01:00, stuckonquestions

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Answers: 3

Other questions on the subject: Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 17:00, caspab7
You and three friends will be going out to eat at your favorite restaurant! each of you will order three items of your choice. you will also need to leave a tip. if you split the bill evenly among all four of you, how much will each person need to contribute? locate a menu for your favorite restaurant and pick three items for yourself and each friend. list the restaurant name, items, and prices in a table like the one below. in the column labeled subtotal, determine the cost of each person’s order. the customary tip is 20% of the total bill. in the column labeled tip, calculate the amount of tip each person should leave. in the column labeled total bill, determine the total of each person’s order, including the tip. restaurant name: names item 1 price item 2 price item 3 price subtotal tip total bill your name friend #1 friend #2 friend #3 part 2: questions answer the following questions, showing all work: what is the total cost of the entire bill (all four meals), including tip? write an expression using fractions to show how to determine the amount that each person will pay. then calculate each person's contributions showing all steps in long division. if each person paid an equal amount, who would save the most money? explain your reasoning using at least two complete sentences.
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:30, princessbri02
Which of the following is the result of expanding
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 20:30, tony001
Find the zeros of each function. f(x) = x^2 + 5x - 6
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 23:30, SmolBeanPotato
If the perimeter of the garden is 37 ft. the width is x and the length is 15 ft. what is the width of the garden in feet?
Answers: 2
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