Mathematics, 06.10.2020 14:01, 420420blazee

Question 10 (1 point) Macie Andersen earns 59.75 an hour working at the local bookstore. Last week she worked 17 hours. This week she worked 25 hours. What
was her straight-time pay for the two weeks?

Answers: 3

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Aspacecraft can attain a stable orbit 300 kilometers above earth if it reaches a velocity of 7.7 kilometers per second. the formula for a rocket's maximum velocity v in kilometers per second is vequalsminus0.0098tplusc ln upper r, where t is the firing time in seconds, c is the velocity of the exhaust in kilometers per second, and r is the ratio of the mass of the rocket filled with fuel to the mass of the rocket without fuel. find the velocity of a spacecraft whose booster rocket has a mass ratio of 20, an exhaust velocity of 2.1 km/s, and a firing time of 15 s. can the spacecraft achieve a stable orbit 300 km above earth?
Answers: 3
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Question 10 (1 point) Macie Andersen earns 59.75 an hour working at the local bookstore. Last week...

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