Mathematics, 06.05.2020 21:24, AleOfficial101

Consider the following sets: U = {points on the coordinate plane} A = {solutions to the equation y = 2x + 5} B = {points on the line y = mx} For what value of m does A ∩ B = βˆ…?

Answers: 1

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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 15:00, playboib
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 19:50, Roshaan8039
Prove (a) cosh2(x) βˆ’ sinh2(x) = 1 and (b) 1 βˆ’ tanh 2(x) = sech 2(x). solution (a) cosh2(x) βˆ’ sinh2(x) = ex + eβˆ’x 2 2 βˆ’ 2 = e2x + 2 + eβˆ’2x 4 βˆ’ = 4 = . (b) we start with the identity proved in part (a): cosh2(x) βˆ’ sinh2(x) = 1. if we divide both sides by cosh2(x), we get 1 βˆ’ sinh2(x) cosh2(x) = 1 or 1 βˆ’ tanh 2(x) = .
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 23:40, supermimi8078
The bolo cavern outside of vandalia is 421 ft below sea level. a little more than75 miles away. mt owens is 7295 feet above sea level. what is the difference in elevation between the bolo cavern and mt owens?
Answers: 1
Do you know the correct answer?
Consider the following sets: U = {points on the coordinate plane} A = {solutions to the equation y =...

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