Mathematics, 04.11.2019 20:31, anne010p4bffk

The mean blood cholesterol level for all men aged 20 to 34 years is μ = 188 mg/dl. we suspect that the mean for cross-country runners is lower. we take a random sample from all cross-country runners and measure the cholesterol level of each runner. we set α = .10 and correctly calculate a p-value of .08. suppose someone else has additional information unavailable to us and it is known that in reality cross-country runners actually do have lower lower cholesterol levels. based on our calculations, what conclusion did we reach and did we make an error? we will have concluded the data did not provide statistical evidence that cross-country runners do have lower cholesterol levels than all men and made a type ii error. we will have concluded the data provided statistical evidence that cross-country runners do have lower cholesterol levels than all men and we will have made a type i error. we will have concluded the data provided statistical evidence that cross-country runners have lower cholesterol levels than all men and we will have made no error. we will have concluded the data did not provide statistical evidence that cross-country runners do have lower cholesterol levels than all men and made a type i error. we will have concluded the data provided statistical evidence that cross-country runners do have lower cholesterol levels than all men and we will have made a type ii error. source: the basic practice of statistics, moore, david s., 4th ed.

Answers: 3

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The mean blood cholesterol level for all men aged 20 to 34 years is μ = 188 mg/dl. we suspect that t...

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