Mathematics, 20.11.2019 20:31, mochoa4

Anyone know the answer to this algebra question?

Anyone know the answer to this algebra question?

Answers: 3

Other questions on the subject: Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 17:00, burgoonp
Me on this one i will give you 20pts. answer should be in detail . this is the discussion topic. one of the most fiercely debated topics in sports is the hot hand theory. the hot hand theory says that success breeds success. in other words, rather than each shot a basketball player takes or each at-bat a baseball player has being an independent event, the outcome of one event affects the next event. that is, a player can get hot and make a lot of shots in a row or get a lot of hits in a row. the hot hand theory, however, has been shown to be false in numerous academic studies. read this article, which discusses the hot hand theory as it relates to a professional basketball player. state whether you agree or disagree with the hot hand theory, and give reasons for your opinion. be sure to use some of the terms you’ve learned in this unit, such as independent event, dependent event, and conditional probability, in your answer.
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:30, Lakenwilliams1250
Select 2 statements that are true about the equation y+6=-10(x-3).1) the slope of the line is -102) the slope of the line is 33) one point on the line is (3,6)4) one point on the line is (3,-6)
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 19:00, emilyblaxton
Kayla and alberto are selling fruit for a school fundraiser. customers can buy small boxes of grapefruit and large boxes of grapefruit. kayla sold 3 small boxes of grapefruit and 1 large box of grapefruit for a total of $65. alberto sold 1 small box of grapefruit and 1 large box of grapefruit for a total of $55. what is the cost each of one small box of grapefruit and one large box of grapefruit?
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 22.06.2019 02:00, mathhelppls14
1. the manager of collins import autos believes the number of cars sold in a day (q) depends on two factors: (1) the number of hours the dealership is open (h) and (2) the number of salespersons working that day (s). after collecting data for two months (53 days), the manager estimates the following log-linear model: q 4 equation 1 a. explain, how to transform the log-linear model into linear form that can be estimated using multiple regression analysis. the computer output for the multiple regression analysis is shown below: q4 table b. how do you interpret coefficients b and c? if the dealership increases the number of salespersons by 20%, what will be the percentage increase in daily sales? c. test the overall model for statistical significance at the 5% significance level. d. what percent of the total variation in daily auto sales is explained by this equation? what could you suggest to increase this percentage? e. test the intercept for statistical significance at the 5% level of significance. if h and s both equal 0, are sales expected to be 0? explain why or why not? f. test the estimated coefficient b for statistical significance. if the dealership decreases its hours of operation by 10%, what is the expected impact on daily sales?
Answers: 2
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Anyone know the answer to this algebra question?

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