History, 26.09.2019 10:10, bee3176

Who was the first black man to obtain a phd. in the world and when?

Answers: 1

Other questions on the subject: History

History, 21.06.2019 17:30, dbanks701
What role did farmers play in the development of economically stable communities? farmers produced enough food to allow others to take on other jobs farmers had difficulty fending off warriors from other groups. women were no longer allowed to farm warriors and craftsmen worked on behalf of the farmers. the abundance of food allowed for civilizations to form under the leadership of a rising political class. next question o turn it in ask for 2014 glvalvon inc. all rights reserved
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 06:40, Ab20600
Examine the dates in this timeline: • 1918: the ottoman empire loses control of iraq to the britishfollowing world war i.• 1932: the kingdom of iraq is granted its independence from greatbritain• 1945: mustafa barzani leads a failed rebellion against the iraqigovernment• 1948: the al-wathbah uprising results in protests against the iraqigovernment before it is violently suppressed.• 1958: the kingdom of iraq is overthrown by military leaders whoestablish the republic of iraq,• 1980: iraq invades iran, launching the iran iraq war.• 1990: iraq invades kuwait but is defeated by united nations forcesled by the united states.• 2003: the united states and its allies invade iraq and remove itsdictator, saddam hussein. which title would best suit the period in iraqi history from 1980 through1990? a. the era of political instability and protestb. the era of american involvementc. the era of iraqi aggressiond. the era of early iraqi independence
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 09:00, salejandro68
Supreme court cases can alter history? true or false
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 11:30, DeborahMonde
If any state tribunal decides a federal question and the litigant has no further remedy within the state court system, from which of the following remedies could the litigant possibly benefit? a. a hearing by a us district courtb. a hearing by a federal court of appealsc. a hearing by the us supreme courtd. a congressional vote b, the correct one!
Answers: 1
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Who was the first black man to obtain a phd. in the world and when?...

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