History, 05.11.2020 07:20, babygirl091502

If the circumference of the circle is 20 cm. What is the radius
What is the diameter
What is the area

Answers: 2

Other questions on the subject: History

History, 21.06.2019 14:00, hcarcel8287
What was the first most significant result of the peninsular war
Answers: 1
History, 21.06.2019 17:00, dondre54
In witch of these areas were the early bantu successful in part to there iron working skills ? check all that apply -agriculture -gathering -navigation -trade -warfare
Answers: 3
History, 21.06.2019 19:10, laura1649
30 ! seneca falls: common ground by andrea brecheen the seneca falls convention of 1848 was the single-most important event of the early women's suffrage movement. the suffrage movement grew out of centuries of shameful and unfair treatment of women. at the time of the convention, women did not have the right to vote or serve on juries, and many women were unable to inherit property. in the decades leading up to the convention, a small group of women began to rebel against these injustices. suffrage originated from women's participation in the anti-slavery and temperance movements. the seneca falls convention was the first conference dedicated to women's rights. the convention was organized by two female abolitionists, elizabeth cady stanton and lucretia mott. lucretia mott was an eloquent quaker social reformer. mott had previously been denied the right to speak at an anti-slavery conference in london after the men voted to exclude women from participating. unlike many women of her time, elizabeth cady stanton received a formal education. at the age of 16, stanton studied mathematics, latin, and greek, demonstrating her keen abilities by mastering the subjects alongside boys of her own age. coming together to support the suffrage movement, mott and stanton organized the convention in seneca falls, ny in july of 1848. during the six-day meeting, stanton presented the declaration of sentiments, a document she based on the declaration of independence. in the declaration, she so elegantly wrote, "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal." the declaration included a list of grievances detailing the treatment of women. the declaration was signed by sixty-eight women and thirty-two men. following the convention, in 1848 the new york state assembly passed the married women's act. this act protected property that women brought into or earned during marriage. read the passage. which sentence best represents a fact about elizabeth cady stanton detailed in the text? a "unlike many women of her time, elizabeth cady stanton received a formal education." b "in the declaration, she so elegantly wrote, 'we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.'" c "stanton rightly believed it should the law should be changed to make it easier for women to get divorces and keep their access to their children." d "at the age of 16, stanton studied mathematics, latin, and greek, demonstrating her keen abilities by mastering the subjects alongside boys of her own age."
Answers: 2
History, 22.06.2019 09:00, batmanmarie2004
Which of the following associations is incorrect? a. franklin d. roosevelt-social security b. theodore roosevelt- conservation of natural resources c. franklin d. roosevelt- the panama canal d. theodore roosevelt-the russo-japanese war
Answers: 3
Do you know the correct answer?
If the circumference of the circle is 20 cm. What is the radius
What is the diameter

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