English, 28.07.2019 19:00, Geo777

1) identify the infinitive in the sentence: my brother wants to buy headphones with his extra money, but i think swimming goggles would be more practical. a) to buy b) wants to c) would be d) swimming 2) which sentence uses a participial phrase? a) the fence, which was broken and dirty, looked terrible. b) shutting out their opponent, the other team celebrated in victory. c) swimming in the pool all day is my favorite way to spend the summer. d) i am pretty tired and not interested in staying up too late tonight. 3) which sentence contains a correctly used participial phrase? a) camping by the lakeside, the squawking geese kept me awake. b) after brushing on another stroke of fiery crimson, the canvas looked complete. c) peering through the rain spattered window, the scenery appeared lush and verdant. d) kicking the ball into the upper left hand corner of the goal, the striker scored the winning goal. 4) what is the best description and explanation for the underlined word in this sentence? the entire printed document was placed in a box and delivered to the office. a) printed is a verb form being used as a noun to name type the type of document. b) printed is a verb form being used as an adjective to describe the type of document. c) printed is a noun form being used as an adjective to describe the type of document. d) printed is an adjective form being used as a verb to describe the task that was completed. 5) which description is accurate and true of all three sentences? 1. we struggled to understand the complicated algebraic expressions. 2. we could not wait to hear our grades on the final exam. 3. we failed to demonstrate our knowledge and understanding. a) all sentences have a gerund that takes the place of a verb. b) all sentences have a participle that replaces a verb phrase. c) all sentences have an infinitive that takes the place of a noun. d) all sentences have a participle phrase that functions as an adjective.

Answers: 2

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English, 22.06.2019 14:00, Queenempress9380
Read the following excerpt from the declaration of independence: when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. the history of the present king of great britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations to prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. he has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. how do the authors of the declaration best use deductive reasoning to support the idea that the colonists have a right to form a new government? o a. they first establish the widely accepted belief that governments derive their power from the people. o o b. they list the colonists' grievances against the british monarchy, starting with the king's refusal to "assent to laws." o c. they first establish the idea that declaring one's intentions is a decent and expected measure. o d. they follow his initial statement by pointing out that the colonists do not take these measures lightly.
Answers: 2
Do you know the correct answer?
1) identify the infinitive in the sentence: my brother wants to buy headphones with his extra money...

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