English, 30.10.2020 20:20, Bayabbay8380

Ley and Will. We can talk on here.

Please don't report this y'all.

Answers: 2

Other questions on the subject: English

English, 21.06.2019 21:50, leelee85503
In 150 words, explain what northup (in twelve years a slave) could have done to prevent being kidnapped by hamilton and brown.
Answers: 3
English, 22.06.2019 04:40, jfox8741
Announcer two: ladies and gentlemen, following on the news given in our bulletin a moment ago, the government meteorological bureau has requested the large observatories of the country to keep an astronomical watch on any further disturbances occurring on the planet mars. due to the unusual nature of this occurrence, we have arranged an interview with noted astronomer professor pierson, who will give us his views on the event. in a few moments we will take you to the princeton observatory at princeton, new jersey. we return you until then to the music of ramón raquello and his orchestra. the passage is from the transcript of the radio adaptation of the war of the worlds by h. g. wells. instead of including expert interviews, h. g. wells uses a narrator to tell about an alien invasion that occurred a few years earlier. by including expert interviews, how does the radio broadcast change the story most effectively? o. a. it puts the story in the past tense, increasing its personal tone. o o b. it makes the broadcast sound more like a fictional story. o o c. it makes the broadcast sound like a news report. o d. it makes the story sound less believable by changing who presents the story's details.
Answers: 3
English, 22.06.2019 04:50, hiji0206
How did the language of the gettysburg address differ from the language in the secondary source about this speech?
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 08:40, honeybaby675610
Read the excerpt from cristina garcia’s dreaming in cuban. i don’t really want to talk about my father but i end up telling minnie how he used to take me horseback riding on our ranch, strapping me in his saddle with a leather seat belt he designed just for me. dad’s family owned casinos in cuba, and had one of the largest ranches on the island. there were beef cattle and dairy cows, horses, pigs, goats, and lambs. dad fed them molasses to fatten them, and gave the chickens corn and sorghum until they laid vermilion eggs, rich with vitamins. he took me on an overnight inspection once. we camped out under a sapodilla tree and listened to the pygmy owls with their old women’s voices. my father knew i understood more than i could say. he told me stories about cuba after columbus came. he said that the spaniards wiped out more indians with smallpox than with muskets. how does the structure of the excerpt add meaning to the passage? it includes historical information about the spaniards and indians to indicate the work is nonfiction. it describes the setting of the ranch owned by pilar’s cuban grandparents to explain family values. it uses several narrators to share their points of view about past and present life in cuba. it manipulates the chronological order of events to reveal the close relationship between pilar and her father.
Answers: 1
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Ley and Will. We can talk on here.

Please don't report this y'all....

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