English, 21.05.2020 02:05, stdntlogin3206

What does the narrator discover about Santiago's role in "deflowering" Angela? a) did Santiago die "understanding" the reason for his death? Santiago died without understanding the reason for his death according to the narrator. b) why would Angela withhold the name of the real perpetrator? who might it be? Evidence? c) what symbolic meaning does this mystery have for ALL humans? What puzzles most of the townspeople as they look back on the morning of Santiago's death? Why, in some sense, does the "piecing together" of this chronicle make the narrator and the townspeople "feel better"? After reading the book, what might readers conclude is the significance of the title for themselves? Why?

Answers: 2

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Do you know the correct answer?
What does the narrator discover about Santiago's role in "deflowering" Angela? a) did Santiago die "...

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