English, 24.09.2019 21:30, jjmarie612

Which statement best explains how theseus, in "the adventures of theseus," changes from the beginning of the story until he finds his father, king aegeus?
theseus begins as a weak boy who knows nothing about his father, but he grows into a strong, courageous man, who ultimately becomes king.
theseus changes from a confident young man to an adult whose experiences humble him and show his true weaknesses.
theseus goes from living a sheltered life with his mother to being someone who eagerly fights his fifty cousins to claim his right to be king.
theseus starts out as someone who just wants to know who is father is, but he turns into a figure whose thirst for power and vengeance destroys him.

Answers: 2

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Which statement best explains how theseus, in "the adventures of theseus," changes from the beginnin...

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