English, 26.12.2019 21:31, AutumnJoy12

Read the passage from a room of one’s own.

for surely it is time that the effect of discouragement upon the mind of the artist should be measured, as i have seen a dairy company measure the effect of ordinary milk and grade a milk upon the body of the rat. they set two rats in cages side by side, and of the two one was furtive, timid and small, and the other was glossy, bold and big. now what food do we feed women as artists upon? i asked, remembering, i suppose, that dinner of prunes and custard.

what perspective is supported by woolf’s word choices in the underlined sentence?

that women artists are treated like caged rats

that women artists become fearful in captivity

that women artists are often held back by their own creative instincts

that women artists do not receive the encouragement they need to succeed

Answers: 1

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Do you know the correct answer?
Read the passage from a room of one’s own.

for surely it is time that the effect of disc...

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