Engineering, 03.12.2020 22:30, scottbrandon653

What breed of cattle has a reddish gold coat

Answers: 3

Other questions on the subject: Engineering

Engineering, 03.07.2019 15:10, brooklyn674
Apiston-cylinder with a volume of 0.25 m3 holds 1 kg of air (r 0.287 k/kgk) at a temperature of 100 c. heat transfer to the cylinder causes an isothermal expansion of the piston until the volume triples. how much heat is added to the piston-cylinder?
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Engineering, 04.07.2019 18:10, koolgurl2003
Apump is used to circulate hot water in a home heating system. water enters the well-insulated pump operating at steady state at a rate of 0.42 gal/min. the inlet pressure and temperature are 14.7 lbf/in.2, and 180°f, respectively; at the exit the pressure is 60 lbf/in.2 the pump requires 1/15 hp of power input. water can be modeled as an incompressible substance with constant density of 60.58 lb/ft3 and constant specific heat of 1 btu/lb or. neglecting kinetic and potential energy effects, determine the temperature change, in °r, as the water flows through the pump.
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Engineering, 04.07.2019 18:10, mamasbug4285
An air compression refrigeration system is to have an air pressure of 100 psia in the brine tank and an allowable air temperature increase of 60°f for standard vapor compression cycle temperatures of 77 f entering the expansion cylinder and 14 f entering the compression cylinder, calculate the coefficient of performance a. 2.5 b 3.3 c. 4.0 d. 5.0
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Engineering, 04.07.2019 18:10, 0436500
Aturning operation is performed with following conditions: rake angle of 12°, a feed of 0.35 mm/rev, and a depth of cut of 1.1 mm. the work piece is aluminum alloy 6061 with t6 heat treatment (a16061-t6). the resultant chip thickness was measured to be 1.0 mm. estimate the cutting force, fc. use shear stress of 207 mpa and coefficient of friction on the tool face of 0.6.
Answers: 1
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What breed of cattle has a reddish gold coat...

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