Computers and Technology

Please, using C, not C+ or C++. Time it took Matthew to complete: 40 minutes
Files to submit: conversions. c
Program must compile with both -Wall and -Werror options enabled
Submit only the files requested
Use doubles to store real numbers
Print all doubles to 2 decimal points unless stated otherwise
No global variables may be used
Your main function may only declare variables and call other functions
In this program you will be converting measurements from one unit to another.
From Farenheit Celsius Kelvin
Farenheit(F) F (F - 32) * 5/9 (F-32)*5/9+273.15
Celsius(C (C * 9/5) +32 C C + 273.15
Kelvin(K) (K - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 K -273.15 K
From Inches Feet Yards Miles
Inches(I) I I / 12 I / 36 I / 63360
Feet(F) F * 12 F F / 3 F / 5280
Yards(Y) Y* 36 Y * 3 Y Y / 1760
Miles(M) M * 63360 M * 5280 M * 1760 M
Users should be able to enter both upper and lower case letters for units
Any amount of white space should be allowed inputs
Input is NOT guarenteed to be valid
If invalid input is received, your program should report it and terminate
Wait until we cover how to handle invalid input in class before dealing with this part of the problem
This problem is very large and you will want to break it down into many functions to help manage complexity
When reading in a character don't forget to put a space in front of the %c in scanf
You can save yourself a bit of work by always converting to a common unit and then converting to the desired unit
For example always converting yards first and then from yards to the desired unit
The exit function in stdlib. h can be very helpful for ending a program early. If you use it make sure to do exit(0)
Example 1
Pick the type of conversion that you would like to do.
T or t for temperature
D or d for distance
Enter your choice: t
Enter the temperature followed by its suffix (F, C, or K): 0K
Enter the new unit type (F, C, or K): C
0.00K is -273.15C
Example 2
Pick the type of conversion that you would like to do.
T or t for temperature
D or d for distance
Enter your choice: d
Enter the distance followed by its suffix (I, F,Y, M): 5 y
Enter the new unit type (I, F,Y, M): i
5.00Y is 180.00I
Example 3
Pick the type of conversion that you would like to do.
T or t for temperature
D or d for distance
Enter your choice: J
Unknown conversion type J chosen. Ending program.
Example 4
Pick the type of conversion that you would like to do.
T or t for temperature
D or d for distance
Enter your choice: 10
Invalid formatting. Ending program.
Example 5
Pick the type of conversion that you would like to do.
T or t for temperature
D or d for distance
Enter your choice: t
Enter the temperature followed by its suffix (F, C, or K): 42 G
G is not a valid temperature type. Ending program.
Example 6
Pick the type of conversion that you would like to do.
T or t for temperature
D or d for distance
Enter your choice: t
Enter the temperature followed by its suffix (F, C, or K): 420 Blaze It
Invalid formatting. Ending program.

Answers: 2

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Answers: 1
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Please, using C, not C+ or C++. Time it took Matthew to complete: 40 minutes
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