Chemistry, 21.10.2020 16:01, jenlopezx3710

1. Assume this experiment (after the extractions are complete) left you with 4 pure products (aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine, and the binder). Your lab mate distracted you after you had labeled the binder and now you can’t remember which of the remaining 3 products is which. What would be a simple test that you can perform in the laboratory to distinguish between the 3 remaining solids isolated from your experiments?

Answers: 3

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Chemistry, 22.06.2019 21:50, BookandScienceNerd
Answer the questions about this reaction: nai(aq) + cl2(g) → nacl(aq) + i2(g) write the oxidation and reduction half-reactions: oxidation half-reaction: reduction half-reaction: based on the table of relative strengths of oxidizing and reducing agents (b-18), would these reactants form these products? write the balanced equation: answer options: a. 0/na -> +1/na+1e- b. nai(aq) + cl2(g) → nacl(aq) + i2(g) c. +1/na+1e- -> 0 /na d. -1/2i -> 0/i2+2e- e. no f. 4nai(aq) + cl2(g) → 4nacl(aq) + i2(g) g. 2nai(aq) + cl2(g) → 2nacl(aq) + i2(g) h. 4nai(aq) + 2cl2(g) → 4nacl(aq) + 2i2(g) i. nai(aq) + cl2(g) → nacl(aq) + i2(g) j. 0/cl2+2e -> -1/2cl- k. yes
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Chemistry, 23.06.2019 02:30, paulinahunl17
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Answers: 1
Do you know the correct answer?
1. Assume this experiment (after the extractions are complete) left you with 4 pure products (aspiri...

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