Business, 15.11.2020 01:00, quay84

Class, would you rather receive $1,000 at the end of every year (staring in 365 days from today) for 10 years or would you rather receive $9,000 today? Assume you expect to earn 8% on average each year from any investments you have. Show your work.

Answers: 1

Other questions on the subject: Business

Business, 22.06.2019 05:00, swelch2010
You are chairman of the board of a successful technology firm. there is a nominal federal corporate tax rate of 35 percent, yet the effective tax rate of the typical corporation is about 12.6%. your firm has been clever with use of transfer pricing and keeping money abroad and has barely paid any taxes over the last 5 years; during this same time period, profits were $28 billion. one member of the board feels that it is un-american to use various accounting strategies in order to avoid paying taxes. others feel that these are legal loopholes and corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to minimize taxes. one board member quoted what the ceo of exxon once said: “i’m not a u. s. company and i don’t make decisions based on what’s good for the u. s.” what are the alternatives? what are your recommendations? why do you recommend this course of action?
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Business, 22.06.2019 06:10, brooke0713
Amanda works as an industrial designer
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Business, 22.06.2019 06:30, dee3874
If the findings and the results are not presented properly, the research completed was a waste of time and money. true false
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Business, 22.06.2019 08:40, Damagingawsomeness2
Gerda, a real estate agent, is selling a moderately priced house in a subdivision. she knows from her uncle that the factory being built half a mile from the subdivision will be manufacturing dog food, using a process that creates a very strong odor that permeates the surrounding neighborhood. a buyer, who is unaware of the type of factory under construction, makes an offer on one of the houses gerda is selling, and within a short time, the deal goes through. what does this scenario best illustrate?
Answers: 3
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Class, would you rather receive $1,000 at the end of every year (staring in 365 days from today) for...

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