Biology, 09.04.2021 22:10, Lydiac8715

there are some sections of dna that are not shaded with any colors. these represent non-protein-coding sections of dna if these sections of dna do not code for a protein what do you think these segments of dna are used for? are these sections of DNA even necessary?​

Answers: 1

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Biology, 22.06.2019 16:00, kennettahughley7964
Been sitting here trying to take this test and don't know this answer! place the events of a feedback mechanism associated with body temperature in the correct order. ·nerve cells send message from skin to the brain ·body returned to normal temperature around 98.6 degrees f ·temperatures regulation center in the brain sends out signals ·body temperature exceeds 98.6 degrees f ·sweat glands throughout the body activate to cool off skin surface it is a 1 through 5 question in biology!
Answers: 2
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there are some sections of dna that are not shaded with any colors. these represent non-protein-codi...

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