Biology, 07.03.2021 23:30, milkshakegrande101

The endocrine system regulates the body through hormone release. Like the nervous system, what does the endocrine system help maintain? A. homeostasis
B. reflexes
C. chemicals
D. neurons

Answers: 3

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Fossils can only be formed when? if mud, silt or tar is in the area to preserve the fossil ierosion does not occur and allows the fossil to form oxygen and microorganisms cannot decay the bones the area is dry and does not contain mud or silt
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According to the rna world hypothesis, rna acted as the genetic material and catalyzed reactions in ancient cells. what conclusion can you draw from this?               a.  this implies that dna and proteins aren't essential in cells today.    b.  this implies that rna can catalyze any chemical reaction that enzymes catalyze.    c.  this implies that if a cell has a problem with its dna, its rna can compensate for the damaged dna.    d.  this implies that dna and proteins evolved after rna.
Answers: 2
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The endocrine system regulates the body through hormone release. Like the nervous system, what does...

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