Biology, 20.10.2020 02:01, 0Me0

11 Two different species of single-celled organisms that eat the same food were placed in the same container. A constant food supply was provided starting on day 2 and the
populations were monitored daily. The graph represents the growth of the two
populations. Select the best answer choice to explain the growth of the two populations
Growth of Two Populations
Size of Population
P. caudatum
P. caudatum became a predator for P. aurelia
the two species shared available resources
P. caudatum out-competed P. aurelia
P. aurelia out-completed P. caudatum

11 Two different species of single-celled organisms that eat the same food were placed in

the sam

Answers: 2

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11 Two different species of single-celled organisms that eat the same food were placed in the same...

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