Arts, 09.03.2021 18:40, breezy974

i am bored i will just give yall an 100 point ok. i put art bc i love art they pretty and i can't do it ):

Answers: 1

Other questions on the subject: Arts

Arts, 22.06.2019 07:20, fay1016
In 5 short paragraphs, describe the attributes of the musical selection, according to the following critical criteria: 1. recognize and describe: at least one example of each of the following musical elements : rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, timbre, texture, and form that are present in this particular composition, using specific musical terms learnt in the course and descriptive adjectives. examples of descriptive adjectives might include: a "menacing" melody, "triumphant" dynamics, or a "racing" tempo. use your imagination! 2. develop: a conclusion about what the composer was trying to represent. [might a "racing" tempo represent an attempt to escape from danger or dancing at a celebration? ] 3. interpret: the composition's emotional value, using language that describes emotional states. does the music express joy, fear, pleasure, optimism, sadness? 4. evaluate: the composition's creative quality: what makes this composition a valuable work of art? 5. analyze: its personal effect on you. how does this work express aspects of the human condition? does the music suggest a philosophy for living?
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Arts, 22.06.2019 22:30, KMyers
What is the best description of the parthenon
Answers: 1
Arts, 22.06.2019 23:00, KingJayDevil
Which of the following is not typical of medieval music? monophonic or polyphonic often not written down religious in nature mainly instrumental
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Arts, 24.06.2019 00:00, abigailgraceblair
Judy pfaff’s installations combined different art forms to express her unique vision of the world. which is not an art form pfaff integrated into her installations? !
Answers: 3
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i am bored i will just give yall an 100 point ok. i put art bc i love art they pretty and i can't do...

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