Arts, 02.12.2020 01:40, stef76 points Standing on the beach,

Sand between my toes,

What lies in my future?

Who will come and go?

The sun beams down upon me,

As I raise my head and look

At the vast ocean before me,

Its size, Which i mistook.

I feel so insignificant,

Compared to this great expanse.

What difference can I make?

Will I even be given a chance?

I realize then while standing there,

That all I have to do,

Is listen to my heart,

An it will pull me through.

For strength and inspiration,

Are not material things,

They come from deep inside you,

They give your soul its wings.

So whenever you're in doubt,

And you begin to stray,

Take a look deep down inside,

And the answer will come your way.

If you only believe in yourself,

You can make your dreams come true,

For no one else can do it,

The power must come for YOU!!!


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What lies in my...

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