Arts, 26.10.2020 18:30, ShianHagen5

Which of the following is one problem with autofocus? It doesn't know which part of the photograph is your subject.
It makes everything blurry.
It has to be turned on and off for each paragraph.
It changes the exposure.

Answers: 2

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The following terms are all associated with harmony except: triad: the simplest is made up of three notes that are usually spaced one note apart-do, mi, and sol in the do-re-mi (major) scale. consonance: a combination of notes that is considered stable and without tension. phrases: where melodies are often made up of shorter sections. chords: the smallest harmonic unit is one consisting of two notes, but we usually have three or more notes played or sung together to create harmony. those groups of notes make up what are called chords. dissonance: a combination of notes that is considered unstable and tense, so much that they sometimes sound as if they are fighting with one another.
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Do you know the correct answer?
Which of the following is one problem with autofocus? It doesn't know which part of the photograph...

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